Friday, December 5, 2014

5 Things to do On Christmas!

He's making a list
And checking it twice
Going to find out Who's naughty and nice
Santa Claus is coming to town!! 
HO! HO! HO! 

Christmas is Celebrated by one and all across the globe! Santa Claus though might be a myth, is still alive in the hearts of a million believers. In this post we are going to list 5 fun things which you should do on Christmas to make it memorable! 

The most important thing to do on Christmas is to decorate your Christmas Tree with friends and family. Go to your local market and get some amazing decorations and light up your tree. You can also hang snowflakes decor from your ceiling and switch on snowy lights to get your Christmas feel.


Christmas is the most chilly weather of the year, prepare some hot cocoa milk with marshmallows for your chilly nights and sip it while playing some Christmas jingles in the background. 

Get a projector screen in your TV room, switch off all the lights and start a Christmas movie Marathon. Call all your friends and family and you can enjoy a cozy movie night! 

Photo-booths!! Yes, you heard me right! A photo-booth is a must on Christmas! Get all your Christmas Props and do a fun photo shoot with your friends! 

One game which all of us enjoy! Throw some chits, buy some gifts and spread the love! 

Open your winter trunk and get your favorite sweat shirt and your ever so cute leg warmers out! Snuggle up My friends! 



Thursday, October 23, 2014

Because She can wear the Pants, but He cannot wear a dress!

She wakes up every morning, with a bright smile on her face! Forgetting the problems of yesterday, she jumps into another day. Every individual has their goals to achieve, every individual has their own race to complete, She has her own goals and races too. 
She can make a cup of tea, and also, a compelling presentation. She can remove the crease of your shirt, and also the obstacles that threaten your goals. She can impress your friends by making delicious dinner, and also deliver an outstanding speech in a crowd of hundreds. She can take care of your family and children, and also never forget to meet her project deadlines. She can look stunning in a sari, and also smart in a suit. She can handle your household, and also excel in her firm. 
She is a sister, a daughter, a wife, a mother, She lives for you, and for herself too! 
So how can you call this a Man's World? 
I do not agree! Because She can wear a dress and the pants too!  

Friday, August 1, 2014


Do be Receptive

·         If you have always been attracted to the tall, macho guy with bulging muscles and perfectly coiffed blond hair, don't rule out a short red-headed geek. The same rule applies to men. Just because your dream girl looks like Barbie and wears barely-there dresses doesn't mean that she's the one for you. Give those who are not "your type" a chance. Who knows? you might just have been dating the wrong type of girl all along. Opposites can and do attract.

Be on Time

·         Nothing shows disinterest and disrespect more than someone who is consistently late for dates. This shows that the person does not value your time and that he is very selfish. If it happens once in a great while, don't sweat it, because things can happen. However, if your date is late with regularity, consider moving on to someone who values you more than themselves.

Pay Attention

·         No one likes having to repeat himself endlessly. Showing your special someone that you remembered a little detail about her (favorite food, movie, flower or other similar things) will take you far. People want others to pay attention to them. They will be touched you remember the small things about them.

Be Honest

·         If you are just looking to casually date, let the person know, so she doesn't get her hopes up that you are ready to run down the aisle anytime soon. If you have been married, don't keep this from the person you are dating. If you have kids, be upfront. If you have slept with hundreds of people, do not feign virginity. More than likely, anything you don't spill upfront will have a way of getting out eventually. Your partner will appreciate your honesty and integrity, even if it is not something she necessarily wants to hear. Honesty and trust are both the foundation of a good, long-lasting relationship.

Don't be Desperate

·         Just because she hasn't called or text-ed you 20 minutes after your date ended, doesn't mean she is not interested. By all means, do not bombard them with strings of texts or calls. Nothing screams "Needy and Desperate" more than this. Have enough confidence in yourself to realize that if he doesn't call you or decides not to date you, it's his loss, not yours.

Do not Settle

·         If you are not interested in your date, tell her early-on and cut ties, the sooner the better. It is better to get it out in the open right away as opposed to letting the relationship drag on for months or even years. By allowing it to continue on, you risk far more emotional and psychological damage to the other person, especially if his feelings intensify. The right person is out there for you. Don't settle just because you do not have the confidence in yourself to be single and on your own.

Be Creative

·         Just because you had a couple of great dinner-and-movie dates doesn't mean that is the only type of date you two will have successfully. If you have common interests, explore those options. For example, if you two are avid marathon runners take a day trip out into a scenic area of town and go for a long run. Take in the beautiful scenery and challenge each other along the way. Being active together will bring you two closer together over a common bond. Take your date to the amusement park, a local tourist attraction or even out of town for the weekend. Keeping it interesting and creative, It will keep the relationship alive and thriving.

Do not Become Intimate Right Away

·         Jumping into the sack after the first date can send mixed signals. Physical attraction does not necessarily equate to a good dating relationship. While one party might be in it purely for the sex, the other might take it to mean that the person is falling for him, and he might become too emotionally involved too quickly. Take it slow. Give the relationship time to blossom outside the bedroom before you take that big step. Make sure you are both on the same page about what you want out of the relationship first.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

·         Take note of how your date treats others, his parents and his friends. Just because she can be sweet and attentive to you does not mean that is how she is once outside the dating realm. If he is dismissive and rude toward others, chances are he will end up doing the same to you. Cut and run early on before she takes you off the pedestal and starts treating you as poorly as she treats others.

Get to Know Each Other's Friends

·         A person's friends can reveal a lot about her. If her friends are all unemployed druggies, for example, you should wonder why she does not have friends that are not more successful and on the right path. If they are a group of womanizing guys who troll bars nightly picking up one-night stands, this is a red flag not to ignore. The same goes for a group of scantily-dressed females who go looking for wealthy males to support them. It is important to question why they don't have a better group of friends and what this says about their character.

Thursday, July 17, 2014


When you were a kid Walt Disney made you believe in endless possibilities. Walt Disney is an industry which has been completely based upon dreams and hopes. If you want little inspiration from your childhood, these quotes from Walt Disney will help you feel the magic that movies like Cinderella and Peter Pan fostered when you were a child.


Sometimes dreams seem impossible, but what we don't realize is, it is impossible only till the time you think it is. If you can dream it, you can pursue it too! You never know what life has in store for you and you will not know until you try. Have the courage to go after your dreams, you will either get success or experience, neither of the two is a bad deal.


Often people get stuck on the age and time limits, they think maybe they are too old or maybe there isn't enough time to complete something. But what we don't realize is, we are never too old, and its never too late. Want something? go after it!


I see people in my day to day life, who wish to become like a famous sportsperson or an actor or a scientist. It disheartens me to see all the depressed souls around who can become like their idols. In this race to be the best, people often forget 'its the best to be your unique self'. You don't have to be like your neighbor's son or your distant relatives daughter to achieve success. You just have to be YOU!


It hasn't ever hurt someone to try something different, different is fun! Don't think about what the world will say, will you care about it 5 years down the line? Don't work hard to fit in, work hard to stand out. When people say you can't, show them you can!


Life isn't all flowers and fairy tales, but life is lived best the optimistic way. If you approach something with a positive approach your outcome will never disappoint you. Be positive, believe in yourself and success and joy will come to your footsteps

Friday, July 4, 2014


Attraction is not always towards the Ms. Perfect. It can be for anyone. What women think attracts men is different than what actually attracts men in most cases. I did a little survey and I was shocked to find out the strange things that attract men.

When a woman is scared of something, it is attractive to a man. Not the pessimistic scared, they don't expect that out of you, but the "Oh My God i hate cockroaches" kind of scared. When a woman gets scared to cross the road alone or does not like being in the middle of a crowded place alone, even when the woman thinks dark rooms are creepy, all this attracts a man. They like playing the role of the Knight who is going to rescue you. It gives them the feeling of being your man who can protect you. So girls, the next time you get scared to cross the road alone or dark streets creep you out, let him be your Superman.

By mess I don't mean don't shower for a week or drop your food on your clothes while eating, by mess I mean when you are lazing around in your sweat pants in a bun. You sure as hell should be dressed to make an appearance whenever you leave the house, that is a very feminine thing, but its not going to make your guy run in the opposite direction if he happens to see you undone. Men like to know that you are comfortable enough to go without make up in front of them. It gives your relationship a very personal touch.

The way you precisely fix your make up is what men find really fascinating. They like the way you effortlessly put your mascara or when you add a tinge of sparkle to your lips. You are usually so engrossed in fixing your make up that you don't happen to notice the fascination with which men watch you. So the next time you want to fix your make up girls, do not get conscious.

All the contact lenses which you have been wasting your money and energy on, are not really needed! Men like to see women in glasses. A lot of men find women with glasses more attractive than women without glasses. The nerd sexy is actually an attraction factor girls.


A little drama adds spice everywhere. By drama queen I don't mean, "I want all the attention" kind of a drama. I really don't mean "cry baby" drama. By Drama Queen I mean "On Wednesdays we wear pink" but not in a bitchy way. Men don't like plain and boring, they like challenging and smart, not bitchy but innocent. So a little drama never hurts anyone girls.  

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Weddings make everyone sigh! But there is something else that makes our heart skip a beat, "the wedding proposals." Everyone has their unique love story, so there are a million different proposals. Different people love in different ways, and so they express it in different ways. I love weddings, and everything about it! right from the proposal to the reception. Most of the girls do! Lets give our Mr. Right few tips on how to get us to say "I DO".
P.S : Always remember, girls like to capture all their special moments! So make sure you have a professional photographer hiding somewhere and capturing those moments.

1} Treasure Hunt 

Send your girlfriend on a treasure hunt to all your favorite places in town. Every clue should be one crazy memory you guys have had together. The last memory should be you on one knee in front of her with the wedding ring! This will refresh all your cute moments and add one more to the list. Make sure this is done on a no traffic day or else she is going to be really annoyed driving around in the traffic. This is a complete low budget proposal. All you have to do is spend on the ring and maybe a rose. 


Set up a fireworks show for her, maybe in your garden or on your terrace. Your last cracker should say "will you marry me?" the question should be right up in the sky. After she gets over her shock, I am pretty sure she will agree. All you need to do is, get hold of someone who can personalize your firecracker for you. Google them up! there are plenty around. 


This is one of the things on my personal "to do list" with my Mr. Right. Star Gazing! You will need to take her some place away from the city, because with all this pollution you can hardly see stars. Maybe your farm house or a beautiful resort on the outskirts. You can set up the terrace with some cozy blankets and cushions. While you'll are looking at the stars, hold her hand and slid the ring inside. She is going to have all her girlfriends going crazy behind that story! I take personal guarantee for that. 


Take the love of your life on a cruise or even better book a private yacht and go sailing. Blindfold her, so she doesn't know where you are taking her, and open the blindfold once you have already started sailing. Set up food and drinks for her, you obviously cannot let her starve. Once you are in the middle of the ocean or fairly away from the land, go on your knees and propose!


Set up a trail of beautiful flowers with lights, that leads to your main table. Decorate the entire area with roses and lights. Gift her a red dress before you take her there, to make it picture perfect. At first she is going to think its a special dinner date, but as soon as you pop up the ring, her eyes are going to sparkle with love, I bet! 

Friday, June 27, 2014

Even MIRACLES take a little time.

A lot of times we give it a try, and then we wonder why? A lot of times we pray endlessly, and never wonder why? Life as you know it, is never really simple. There are ups and downs, lows and highs. We are depressed one moment and then happy the next. Have you ever stopped and wondered why? We don't always get what we want, and then later we don't want it anymore, ever wondered why? You cannot live without him, you cannot get over it, you are addicted to it, all of this and then none of this. Its too deep, maybe you wont understand, you just want to go with the flow, because understanding hurts too much, ever wondered why? People say good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people, but maybe bad things happen to make good people, did you ever understand why? Life is going to be hard at some point, whether you like it or not, don't we always read "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger". Everyone wants to be strong, but no one wants to go through the hardships, ever wondered why? Life was never promised to be simple, but no one ever said you are always going to cry. Its all written somewhere down there, its all planned for you, all you have to do is play your part and be true. There is someone in the sky, watching over you, maybe there is a Godmother too. Because din't someone rightly say "My child 'even miracles take a little time'". 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


The first thing I need as soon as I open my eyes, is my shot of caffeine! I am sure most of you guys also find it difficult to start your day without the refreshing smell of coffee. A few interesting facts about coffee are :

  • It can help ward off  Depression
  • It may boost fertility in men 
  • It may reduce the risk of skin cancer
  • It is not truly addictive
  • It doesn't necessarily cause stomach pain
So have you got your shot of caffeine yet? 


When you ask someone what is Fashion? the most common answer which you get is "fashion is what your comfortable in" but well girls we all agree to that but you cannot be walking around in your pajamas and call it fashion, can you? That is why I am posting this for those few who take "fashion is comfort" quite literally. Those who don't can feel good about the worst fashion nightmares they have successfully avoided and the rest can learn the "don'ts" of Fashion.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                1. SHOWING TOO MUCH                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
 Showing too much of anything does not make you fashionable. Fashion does not mean you spill out your assets, fashion is when you can handle yourself elegantly in what you wear. Sure, we can turn a blind eye to that only if you are younger than 20, which is precisely the age to learn that wearing tops which can barely reach your belly button do not always get you attention. But apart from that showing too much of anything is definitely a "NO NO" in the books of fashion.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
2. "MUFFIN TOPS"          
 Having a bit of a problem with those "love handles", and loving the low rise jeans can be a very big fashion disaster ever girls! not only will low rise jeans literally make your muffin top bulge out and it will also make your legs look shorter. If you desperately want to wear a low rise jeans then get rid of your muffin top!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
 3. BEING STUCK IN THE PAST                                                  

There are some people who cannot get over a particular phase, its not an intentional fashion mistake but just something which happens at times. Some people cannot get over their teen phase and are still stuck to the spaghetti straps, while some just do not want to experiment with new cuts and shapes. What needs to be understood is that fashion changes with time, you cannot hold on to it.                                                                                                                                                                             

The most important part about your outfit is how it fits your body. All you need to say is "i am a size so and so" , how difficult can that be? wearing the wrong size can look horrible, even worse it can make you look horrible! Don't hide in the folds of your baggy outfit or try to fit in something which is not your size. Your correct fit will flatter the best parts of you.                                                                       

5. OVERLOAD OF ACCESSORIES                                        

Too much of anything can spoil things. While choosing jewelry girls should not put on everything they have in their jewelry box, lets save some for tomorrow girls? Sometimes only a pair of nice studs can do the work or maybe a pretty little bracelet. Accessories can make it look superb but at the same time overload can kill your outfit. 

Click Of the Day. - The Summer Relief.

 Where are the rains? June to September ..did they not always teach us that these are the Monsoon months? Months where finally we are not punished by the scorching heat! But where are the rains this year? Every morning we get up with the hope that maybe today it will rain, but no, another day of disappointment! are we not tired of it already? Since we cannot do anything about it, how about we refresh ourselves with some fresh juice. That's the only thing that might keep most of us going in this awful weather. So friends lets skip the soda's and cola's and lets drink healthy and stay healthy.